Marketing A Lifestyle

Marketing A Lifestyle

Lifestyle marketing ties directly to freelancing, in my opinion. As a lifestyle marketer, you can write about what excites you and what you are passionate about. These passions can drive your investigating and can produce truly awe-inspiring stories. I think it is every marketer’s dream to create concepts about their interests in new and engaging ways. And oftentimes, these people are most qualified for the job because they are most invested in the topic and the future of the industry.

Sean Morrison writes and edits for the ESports side of ESPN. As a sports fan and successful journalist, the leading network in sports broadcast hired Morrison and discovered his valuable ability to cover competitive gaming. While in graduate school at Mizzou, Morrison cofounded Fangirl the Magazine, an online and print publication that catered to women with an interest in video games. Morrison discussed the importance of having this experience since it gave him an insight into the business of journalism as well as a specific set of skills, crucial to his job security at ESPN. Morrison is one of those rare cases who gets to love what he does. Without his interest in video games, he would not have founded the magazine, which would not have given him the gaming profession at ESPN.

Investment leads to investigation and investigation leads to incredible stories. There is an old saying that: “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” However, for the marketing world, that saying needs to be adjusted just slightly. All of these people successful people work tremendously hard. They have each endured long hours and endless research into their concepts. All of these people love their jobs but they work for it.

If you love what you do, you’ll be the very best at doing it.